Rate and download this imperative free of cost App to grasp the divine bounties of Quran e Pak. It further consist sections, which separately are covering the virtues of each Surah enlisted in the App. This bonus feature has added in this App to enlighten the users with the blessings of these aforementioned Surahs of Quran.

Recitation in the soulful voices of renowned Recitors Mishray Al-Afsay and Abdur Rahman as Sudais.Translation in almost every language for each verse of the chapters included in Application to enhance the.The detailed features of this App entail: Surah Waqiya the divinity of which is proven with the authentic Hadith that it alleviates poverty and makes you Surah Lazim, Takhtim Dan Doa Khatam Al Quran. Surah Kahf is one that significant Surah which will help from the pugnacities of Anti Christ (Dajal)ĥ. Unit Kokurikulum JPI, Negara Brunei Darussalam by naghib8 in Types > Speeches and tahlil. Surah Mulk the reverend Surah of Quran e Hakeem, which shields against the afflictions and punishment of graveĤ. Surah Rahman, which is the adornment of Quran, soothes the hearts of the believers.ģ. Surah Yaseen, which is the heart of Quran and has divine virtues associated with it, which awards innumerableĢ. App comes with a distinctive feature of Surahs with translation, transliteration, and audio recitation of each Surah of Quran.ġ. Bacaan doa doa tahlilan.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD NOW Learn more Info for Support. Using APKPure App to upgrade Surah Yasin & Tahlil Lengkap. Despite of all we done, if you see any error, please inform us on our email mentioned above as we welcome it and will try to recorrect as soon as possible.Surah Yasin is an Android App, which is designed to facilitate the users with the imperative Surahs of Quran all together in one App. Download Surah Yasin & Tahlil Lengkap apk 1.0 and all version history for. 4- We saw that this version has not any chapterizing, so, we chapterized it according to the original text of Persian and then Arabic Translation of it. The method of our work was as following: 1- We took the software (android) of Mafatih from the version of Erfan.ir 2- We transfered each parts even page by page into html format by sending one by one of them by sharing on our email: 3- Then, we pasted them into unformatted text, and started to rechecking if there is any error or not, so, we found out that Surah al-Rum has only 26 verses, and like other errors.

Notes: We worked on this book in several formats, because there was not any English translation of this book free downloadable in word, html and pdf as we have been searching it since last year except some parts of it on some sites.